Sunday 27 February 2011

Cricket in Whites? - The trials and tribulations of watching the Ashes in Argentina

Every sporting fan will have experienced being abroad when a major sporting event is on and being desperate to tune in. It is no longer the problem it was. All that is needed is a bit of organisation. Easy, or so you'd think.

However, cricket is about as well known in Argentina as I am. It is not on air at all. But this minor inconvenience aside, the Argentine cricket community were determined to watch the greatest cricket series on the planet. 

The new age of technology now means live feeds on the internet, so cricket is available to the masses. As a rule, Argentine cricket fans watch in the comfort of their own home on a lap top or in a group accompanied by an Asado (that’s a complicated BBQ to Brits).

A perfect evening in Argentina - Carne y Cricket

I chose the First Test Down Under to show some of the Argentine cricketers that I could mix it with the best in the kitchen stakes, by cooking 5Kgs of meat to perfection, while they watched the live stream on the computer.

Worryingly as I was cooking, I heard some rather concerning comments about the cricket from my cricketing charges, such as “Why are they playing in White?”, “Ricky who?” and “How can a cricket game last five days?" Our Ashes Asado ended prematurely at the behest of annoyed neighbours just after tea at about 2.30am. Which I thought was pretty early for a school night here.......

To further their education we enticed an American sports bar to link a computer up to a big screen with the promise of bringing 25 punters to the bar. The feed was great and so was the atmosphere. However, I was again perplexed with some of the comments I was hearing from some of the Yanks who frequent the bar.  The conversation went something like this. “Gee Brad, why does the pitcher keep throwing ground balls?” to which the reply came “I know Hiram, and why does the guy behind the hitter have two gloves on?” Bloody Septics, eh.......I think next time I will give the bar a miss. I'm sticking to the laptop, grill and vexed neighbours approach.    

1 comment:

  1. he he nice post..It,s so difficult to explain cricket here in Argentina.I have tried to convert many of my students,but to no avail.Saying it,s like baseball is close,but so far removed,and to explain a five day test- forget it.Just invite them along,pad em up and send a few yorkers down at them,then see if they have been converted.regards Howard in Buenos Aires
