Sunday 2 January 2011

The Three Amigos - September 2010

Teddington CC and Argentina
During Argentina’s recent tour of the UK we played against Teddington CC at their glorious home ground set within 1,100 acres of Bushy Park. After the game both sets of players talked about the days play in the bar. When the bus came to collect us there was a shortage of seats, so three players remained behind, luxuriating in the hospitality of their hosts and supporters. The plan was to order a taxi later.
Amigo number one -
  Lucas Paterlini
Richard 'Bonfire' Brown -
Teddington host
Much later, as it turned out. Eventually deciding it was time to leave, the ‘Argentine Three’ snuck away. After negotiating the three-quarter-of-a-mile walk in pitch-black and bypassing stag in pre mating season, they found the gate. What they failed to realise was that the three meter high iron gates of the park closed earlier at dusk. 
Savage to Austin

With three cricket bags in tow they had the choice of either, walking back to the club house and ask the jolly Teddington faithful to open the gates or try to scale the gates with three cricket bags; they chose the second dangerous option.

Amigo number two -
Alejandro Ferguson
On successful completion of the Krypton Factor-esque escape plan, they now faced a bigger problem. These weren't the gates they entered the park earlier in the day. Hopelessly lost, they settled on a plan of flagging down a taxi – as they would do in Buenos Aires where - one in five cars are for hire.

Amigo number three  -
 Pablo Ferguson
After, circumnavigating the park for the best part of two hours with not one cab in sight, they decided to ring 911 for assistance. Yes, 911 not 999, I have now been informed that both work equally well. When they duly asked the operator for assistance they were told it was not an emergency, to which came the reply, “well it is an emergency to me………”
Michael 'Lord; Welch
- Teddington


Amazingly, within minutes of the call a taxi came to their aid. Due to a communication breakdown it took the irate taxi driver three attempts to find out exactly which Kingston University Halls of Residence the cricketers were staying at. Racking up a fare of £50, The Argentines ‘armed’ with a solitary £20 note between them, somehow negotiated the cabby down.

A young Deer avoiding the three amigos in Bushy Park

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